16 Jan Probiotics (Bio-Kult) & Antibiotics
Read this blog to learn more about Bio-Kult Advanced (Everyday Use) and what happens to your gut health on antibiotics.
Our body hosts a lot of bacteria within it. It is estimated that we carry around with us 39 trillion bacterial cells inside our body or on our skin. All these bacteria help us in our normal processes, with some of them protecting us against other harmful bacteria.
However, sometimes, a harmful bacteria will enter our system, either through our respiratory tract (our lungs) or through our intestines (through food and drinks). When this happens, our body will try to fight that harmful bacteria, and if it does not succeed, it leads to us developing infection symptoms (chest infections, gastric flu, sinusitis etc). Here is when our doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to help us get rid of the bacteria causing our infection.
How do antibiotics work?
Antibiotics work in different ways, but generally, we can classify them into two groups: they either kill the bacteria or else they interfere with certain processes in the bacterial cell that prevent the bacteria from reproducing (increasing in numbers).
These processes are beneficial because they help to treat our infections. One disadvantage is that antibiotics do not select which bacteria they work on. Therefore, they will also interfere with the good bacteria in our body, including the beneficial bacteria in our gut. This is what generally leads to diarrhea in most patients taking antibiotics.
Should we take probiotics when we’re taking antibiotics?
When taken on a daily basis, probiotics help to maintain balance in our gut flora and keep our immunity at a good level. When taking antibiotics, it is even more important that we also take probiotics. These will help to minimise the disruption of the gut flora caused by antibiotics and help to prevent antibiotic-associated-diarrhoea.
It has also been shown that one episode of antibiotic-associated-diarrhoea can trigger long-term imbalances causing the person to develop irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore, even if one has never experienced diarrhea due to antibiotic use, preventing a first episode may also prevent the person from developing IBS.
Choosing the right probiotic is also important. Antibiotics do not discriminate which bacteria they kill. Therefore, choosing a probiotic with a large number of different strains will be more effective in maintaining our gut balance.
Why choose Bio-Kult Advanced?
Bio-Kult Advanced – For everyday use, contains 14 different strains of bacteria and is very well suited in targeting different imbalances, including IBS and prevention of antibiotic-associated-diarrhoea. Adults and children over 12 years of age can take up to 4 capsules daily, whilst children between 3 and 11 years can take up to 2 capsules daily. The capsules can be swallowed whole with a glass of liquid, or opened up and mixed with food or drinks. It is always important to leave at least 2 hours between the probiotic and the antibiotic, in order to give the probiotic enough time to start working.